Elizabeth Hancock CPC, CSC

Spiritual Teacher and Empowerment Coach


“Go Within To Get Beyond”

Work With Me!

Hello and Welcome.

For as long as I can remember I’ve always been one to question reality, seek to understand why, and experientially know instead of simply believing.

I started meditating at the age of 15 after finding a library copy of ‘Autobiography of  a Yogi’ lying around my house.

In the early days of my meditation journey I experienced kundalini awakening almost immediately. Various psychic phenomena occurred (traditionally known as siddhis). I pursued my conscious evolution quietly; externally I lived a very normal life.

I am a yogini, a mystic, energy practitioner and artist.

Over my 25+ years of meditation and living life as a fellow human being I have paid enough attention to understand the subtleties of how energy works, how to heal, how to make sense of our stories and ultimatley let them go, and how to perceive life as the miracle gift that it is.

I think it’s important to say that I never meant to be a teacher or coach, but life has a way of telling us what we are here to do and how to be of service.

My work with clients is highly intuitive; with each client presenting different areas to focus on, resulting in different methods, tools, and energetic practices that are offered. Different people need different approaches depending on their belief systems and perspectives.

Why work with me?

Spiritual mentorship and coaching dissolves pain and suffering through shining the light of your awareness. Through awareness you take responsibility. Through responsibility you learn to accept your power and consciously create a life full of joy.

Coaching helps to streamline your journey, gather immense insight, and enjoy profound realizations in a very short but intense amount of time. I hope to have the opportunity to work with you.

With You In Wholeness,

– E

What I Know: 

We Are Powerful Beings

Human beings are unique in that we are the only creature on Earth that has been endowed by creation to access unlimited conscious expansion. Human self-awareness lies on a spectrum. Most people are woefully unconscious and live life not very different from animals; born, procreate, eat, sleep, and eventually die. 

The challenge for humanity is to develop this self conscious awareness to it’s fullest potential; something that all the powerful Sages and Masters have been teaching us for millennia. More and more individual’s are feeling a need for that extra something in life; beyond accumulated wealth, fancy cars, numerous homes, fame or physical beauty.

This more that people seek is actually our connection with existence itself; beyond the confines of thoughts, emotions and our physical bodies. It is every human’s birthright to bring forth the ability to expand their consciousness infinitely. 

Take The Red Pill - The Truth Shall Set You Free

Many people live in fear and anxiety. Old programs from childhood carry on through adulthood coloring our perceptions of how life should be and how we should fit into that story. Many people get attached to their suffering as it is familiar and ironically feels safe. However, this way of living is like a mental prison; like Neo in the movie The Matrix you are living a false life someone else programmed you to live.

It’s time to wake up! Working with a Spiritual Life Coach is akin to taking the red pill in life; you will never be the same. After some time you’ll wonder how you ever accepted so little for yourself. The time is now – make a change – BE FREE. Live your truth and discover who you REALLY ARE.

You Are Responsible For Your Life - Good, Bad & Ugly

Everyone experiences set backs, disappointments and tragedies. These are part of the human play of existence. What sets successful happy people apart from depressed unhappy people is the degree of responsibility each take in their lives. Successful, happy, healthy people are made not born!

Each one of us is responsible for our LIFE which includes: diet, exercise, relationships, career, hobbies, friends, mental attitude, willingness to try something new, and the willingness to let go of that which no longer serves us. It is an inevitable truth that as one grows in self-conscious awareness one also accepts the inherent power, freedom and yes responsibility that come with it.

You cannot grow in conscious awareness without taking complete responsibility for your life. Through acceptance of the good, bad and sometimes ugly we empower ourselves. This is what Life Mastery is all about.

My Approach

Are you living life or just going through the motions? Do you savor each day; every moment? Or do you live for the weekend or worse? 

It is time to reconnect to your greater Self; to really go deep within yourself to uncover what you truly ARE.

Living an empowered and joyful life doesn’t happen by accident! Successful, happy, healthy people are made not born.

Spiritual Life Coaching is all about creating a solid foundation by which to develop all areas of your life. This foundation is the quality of your consciousness, ie. your attitude towards life and your overall mindset. In each and every coaching session we will uncover hidden aspects to your current life view and work to shift your perception into a more positive heart centered awareness with an ever expanding level of consciousness.  

Life is meant to be LIVED! It is spectacular, exciting, beautiful and ever new. Won’t you join me in rediscovering your Self? 

Elizabeth Hancock - Spiritual Coach

Rediscover & Empower Yourself!

"It is the quality of your consciousness that determines your reality." - Elizabeth Hancock

Live A More Enlightened Life!

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Elizabeth Hancock CPC, CSC - Spiritual Teacher & Empowerment Coach

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