How To Change Your Reality by Maturing, Expanding and Growing


Change occurs consciously or unconsciously. The level of self-awareness you have largely determines if life is perceived to be happening to you or life is happening in you. Though change happens constantly, most people are unaware of how they are contributing to their current life circumstances. It is only when we reach a point in our journey where we feel stuck, frustrated, confused, or scared that we take the time to ask, “How did I end up here?”

Though it appears that life ‘just happened’, the truth is that we are exactly where we created ourselves to be. Life can operate by no other principle. 

We all have our limits. When we reach a level of frustration that is too painful to bear, we find ourselves ready to make conscious changes in our life. This requires immense courage and total honesty. When an individual is honest enough to ask themselves how they arrived at their current circumstances two things occur: 1) they take responsibility for their current life situation and 2) they open themselves to receiving the answer and a solution to their problem.

Our Inner Programs

As mentioned in my previous post of Dare To Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs, the mind is the creator of your reality and the programs that you have downloaded are called beliefs. When we accept a belief as true this colors our perception in every interaction we have. Thus, it can be said that most people live their lives through unconscious self-fulfilling prophecies of their own making.

When you go through life unconsciously you allow these programs to run in the background filtering every experience you have with previous data from a past encounter. Thus in effect, you are living the same experiences over and over again. These universal difficulties may include: finding a romantic partner, the continuing struggle for financial freedom, chronic physical ailments and diseases, cycles of frustration and depression, working at a lifeless job, not having a sense of passion or zest for life, confusion as to who or what you are really are, etc. These repeated patterns are seeking your attention.

No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” – Albert Einstein

When we sincerely take the time to ask ourselves how we ended up in a given situation we open ourselves up to receiving new information. This new information comes in the form of advice, coincidental encounters with people, seeing a book or movie pop up over and over again with a certain topic or theme, being asked to stretch ourselves at work, seeing someone that needs your help with a similar issue, being called to travel to a new place, a stranger offering their help at the perfect time and place, etc. These are the ways in which the universe speaks to us and answers our questions in a way that we can pay attention to. When we open ourselves to receiving new data and information to integrate within ourselves, we change.

The Power of Imagination and Visualization in Reality Formation 

Change does not happen overnight. The process of reality formation first begins with a new inkling that things may be different from what we’ve previously known to be true. In the beginning change is extremely subtle and starts with a new belief or program that has entered into our minds. Often times this new belief circulates as a new thought and builds in a momentum of intensity over a period of time. As we play with this new belief (ex: I deserve – to be listened to, to feel safe, to be loved, to have a job I love, to be healthy, to be happy) we start to visualize specific scenarios in which we embody this new belief. This is called day dreaming and imagination.

We may visualize meeting someone exciting and new, finding that perfect job, speaking to a large auditorium of people on a subject we are passionate about, feeling physically pain free and revitalized, having enough energy to play with the kids and pets, going running, painting, cleaning the house, getting paid what you are worth, etc. All this imaginary work is vital to establishing a new paradigm of reality. Being able to actively visualize a new future-self living your dream life brings the courage and necessary energy to build this new reality into physical manifestation. Repeated imagination of a given thought, scenario, encounter, or experience will eventually bring it into your current life.

“The amount of time it takes for something to manifest is different for everyone and is largely dependent on how focused your mind is and how much energy you have at your disposal.” – Liz Hancock

This is how change occurs in everyone. It is a subtle process that largely goes without notice, yet it is operating in consciousness constantly. When we decide to work with a Spiritual Life Coach, we take this process into our own hands and accelerate it. A Coach is an expert in asking provocative questions that challenge your current mindset and belief systems. A Coach provides insight into your current life circumstance and offers new ways to think, act and behave which sets a client off towards living a more satisfied and fulfilled life that is in line with their personal aspirations and dreams.

To be conscious or unconscious, that is the question! The process of questioning our reality and beliefs is an ongoing progressive process that occurs throughout our lives. This is how life is meant to be lived; constantly maturing, expanding, and growing into ever newer, better versions of ourselves. 

Are you done with feeling stuck and ready for change? If so, I’d love to work with you! Please click the button below and let’s set up a call to get started on consciously creating your life! 

How To Be More Confident – The Confidence Formula That Works

We all admire those with that cool, calm and collected air of presence; a heady combination of self-assurance, wit, ease, and grace. These are the people that walk into a room with all eyes on them; a magnetic force too strong to deny.

They speak with power. They walk with purpose. They command attention without uttering a word.

Where does this self assurance come from? How is self confidence made?

We Are All Growing Into Someone

As youngsters we had to be taught the rules of how to live in this world starting with basic communication skills like speaking, reading and writing. These skills were systematically learned one upon another over years of continuing education. Whether you go so far as to earn your P.h.D or get certified in a vocation, the aim is to acquire a skill set or knowledge base that can be readily implemented to further your livelihood.

As the years go by, this accumulated knowledge is implemented through action over and over again until a certain level of competence has been gained. Accountants crunch numbers, sales people sell, doctors support patients and artists hone their craft.

Experience begets expertise.

Thus it comes as no surprise that those among us who excel at what we do, are more confident than others.

When our knowledge and abilities are continually executed with a high level of precision that results in a successful track record, we build confidence.

Confidence is a skill that can be learned – but more often earned.

Confidence Comes From Competence

So why do so many people suffer from low self-esteem or feel insecure? Well, if all human beings learn the same way and are made up of the same basic genetic structure and mental capabilities, then it stands to reason that most people simply haven’t exerted any level of effort to excel in something by which they can feel confident about.

Confidence is a byproduct of successful execution.


When we say that we suffer from not being ‘confident’, it simply means that we are not really competent. Competence is defined as the ability to do something successfully. Whether it is public speaking, building a business, losing weight or forming healthy romantic relationships, it doesn’t matter what arena of life your self-doubt and insecurity manifests – you have not mastered the skill-set needed to perform at a competent level of mastery.


Information that turns into knowledge which is then continuously executed is the formula for Self Mastery. If you’re feeling anxious, insecure and unsure then rest assured you likely haven’t paid your dues or logged enough hours. You cannot earn a black belt in one weekend, build your dream business overnight, or find your true love when you don’t love yourself. In every area of life there is foundation work required before successful execution results in competence. After all, they say that it takes 10,000 hours of practice before you can master any skill. How many hours have you logged?




In rare cases where people have tried but have continuously failed, the answer is not in the execution but in the approach. If you are doing something and not getting the results you want, then obviously you need to change your method of execution.

No one said life was easy, but it certainly gives you exactly what you are putting into it. Not getting the results you want? Go out, get new information, turn it into knowledge and execute. Same formula – different data set. Life is really that simple.

Ask yourself the following questions:

What have you wanted to do but have been too afraid to even try?


Many people have hopes and dreams but fail to execute any of them.

Want to build a business? Having the desire to build one isn’t enough.

Remember the formula? Information —> Knowledge —> Execution = Mastery. Go out and build your knowledge base, read business books, watch videos of entreprenuers and listen to their stories, take business 101 classes, and associate with successful business owners who you can learn from.

Want to feel good about yourself? Having the desire to feel good isn’t enough.

Remember the formula? Information —> Knowledge —> Execution = Mastery. Go out and build your knowledge base, read books by inspiring people, watch videos of how the happy live their lives, take classes that excite you, and associate with happy, healthy, loving people who you can learn from.

Want to lose weight? Having the desire to lose weight isn’t enough.

Remember the formula? Information —> Knowledge —> Execution = Mastery. Go out and build your knowledge base, read books on proper nutrition, watch videos and documentaries of how the physical body works, take classes at the gym and associate with physically active, healthy individuals who are already the living embodiment of the life you want to live.

Life offers many ways in which to obtain new information that can be turned into knowledge. The trick is in going out and obtaining this new information and executing it consistently. With consistency one eventually obtains experience and with experience comes confidence. Life really is that simple.

What would you do if you knew you could not fail?

Failure is a part of life and those that are at the top of their fields have failed many, many, many times. Mistakes are life’s greatest teacher and many successful people know that any new endeavor will see some inevitable mistakes along the way. This is simply par for the course. Mistakes are natural, normal, and totally acceptable.




The Time Is Now

Please see that our ‘personality’ is nothing more than a construct; an accumulation of life experiences, knowledge, and the interpretations we put on them. It doesn’t matter where you feel insecure, for insecurity is just limited data or failure of execution. What matters is obtaining the right knowledge from the right place and taking action. If you follow the formula then success and confidence are natural byproducts.

If you’re ready to change, ready to gain different information, new knowledge, and be held accountable for action and execution then a Spiritual Life Coach can help guide you into Self Mastery.

All you need are the right tools and methods to step into your Greatness.

Are you ready to step into yours?

Live A More Enlightened Life!

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Elizabeth Hancock CPC, CSC - Spiritual Teacher & Empowerment Coach

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