Understanding The Value of Past & Parallel Lives

Past Lives? Parallel Lives?

One life is hard enough – what significance does past or parallel lives offer us? Well, it turns out – a lot, but not in the way you would think.

When it comes to understanding who and what we are, past and parallel life investigation can open up a whole new world of greater self-awareness. This greater self-awareness is not gained through further identification of yet more personalities, lifetimes and stories, however. The process of spiritual evolution and integration is the actual shedding of stories and identifications, not creating more attachments.

So how does exploring past lives help someone out with their life now? By showing them what they currently energetically resonate with.

Past and parallel life investigation is about seeing what you are now and learning the hidden lessons to challenges, issues, and perceived limitations in order to integrate them and evolve.

So if you are interested in seeing your life from another point of view, want answers to tough challenges and problems, or are just interested in having a little fun – check out and share with friends.

Join me as I guide you through a meditation to get in touch with your current parallel lives! It is guaranteed to reveal answers to questions you didn’t know you had!



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Elizabeth Hancock CPC, CSC - Spiritual Teacher & Empowerment Coach

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