What You Need To Know About Spiritual & Mystical Experiences

Do You Believe In Magic?

Did you have an imaginary friend when you were young? Many children did.

When we were young our imagination allowed us to explore our world in a much more fluid, free, and open way. We all know that children are very sensitive to energy and vibration much like nature is. As we grew older and learned to narrow our focus onto the linear and physical world of power, achievement, and success we slowly lost the sensitive connection we once had with existence. As a result, we all live in a concrete world of Newtonian physics, logic, and rationality.

We have all become skeptics to miracles, magic, and wonder. We have lost sense of who and what we truly are. Yet, despite closing ourselves off we cannot seem to shake that inner spark of intrigue, curiosity, and interest into things we cannot yet understand.

What are miracles? Do other worldly beings exist? What happens after death? Can we see into our future? Can we travel to other dimensions? Do we have the power to see anything, anywhere, anytime simply through the power of intent? Is any of what we call ‘unexplained’ phenomena truly real?

In today’s video we explore the concept of spiritual and mystical experiences and how they relate to the spiritual journey towards greater self-awareness and transformation. I’ll discuss what purpose these experiences serve, why they occur, and how to invite more of them into your life.

For all those that are curious to explore more than what meets the eye!

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Elizabeth Hancock CPC, CSC - Spiritual Teacher & Empowerment Coach

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