Beyond You Blog

“Having never left the house, you are looking for a way home.” – Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

How A Spiritual Coach Works With Your Energy

How A Spiritual Coach Works With Your Energy

Choosing to work with a coach isn't an easy decision. Oftentimes we have tried many different ways to help ourselves before we reach out for help through a coach.  A Spiritual Coach takes even more courage as we aren't just working with accountability and goal setting...

Why Meditate on Death?

Why Meditate on Death?

The notion of meditating on one’s death isn’t something new. Meditating on your own death is a potent practice because it dissolves that primitive fear that we all share.

Listening vs Talking

Listening vs Talking

People love to talk. They especially love to talk about themselves. But did you ever notice that no one likes to listen? The listeners of this world usually prefer solitude. Why? If you no longer have the need to constantly express and impress, then what do you have left?

The Art of Silence

Where Do Negative Thoughts Come From?

Understanding Spiritual Depression & Dark Night of the Soul

7 Energy Manifestation Secrets for Power & Focus

Difficult Relationships – Developing Clarity of Perception When Dealing With Other People

Rediscover & Empower Yourself!

"It is the quality of your consciousness that determines your reality." - Elizabeth Hancock

Live A More Enlightened Life!

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Elizabeth Hancock CPC, CSC - Spiritual Teacher & Empowerment Coach

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