We hear a lot of,

“You need to trust yourself”

“It’s important to build trust”

“Why can’t you just trust me?”

What does it mean to trust?

From a spiritual perspective trust simply refers to acceptance. Acceptance of what is. To not accept what is, is to create unnecessary pain and suffering.

But many people confuse acceptance with slavery. If we just accept everything, doesn’t that make us weak? Doesn’t that make me a doormat? Am I not naive to simply accept everything as it is?

Spirituality is not about being a weak doormat nor is it about changing the world.

Spirituality is being in tune with your nature and having enough conscious awareness (energy) to use your discernment in order to navigate life properly.

Trust is knowing that what is happening is what is supposed to happen because it is happening.

Trust in oneself is allowing yourself to express, feel, and know whatever you are consciously aware of and to allow this expression to reveal itself without hindrance.

Building trust with any person, place, or thing is simply living each moment open, aware, and free.

Trusting someone is staying consciously aware of the present moment and allowing yourself to express as you deem necessary.

Trust requires energy. Trust requires consciousness. Trust requires awareness.

Trust does not mean to be sleep walking your way through life and allowing someone else to make your decisions.

Trust does not mean to give up your power to anything outside yourself in exchange for safety, peace, or love.

Trust is the ultimate freedom because when you trust, you are in synch with your deepest Self; your innermost core, and therefore as the microcosm reflects the macrocosm, you are in synch with creation.

To trust means to walk powerfully in this world.

We exist to experience, to know, to taste, to live. Are you living your life or allowing someone else to dictate how you live your life?

Are you calling the shots and trusting yourself or are you willingly giving your power away to someone or something else?

How Do We Build More Trust?

Trust comes from conscious awareness and we build this by centering ourselves. 

There are many ways and means to practice centering oneself but one of the most consistent and powerful practices is meditation.

Meditation is the conscious stilling of the mind and body. When you become still you trust. When you trust you become still. These are two different sides of the same coin.

When you feel confused, anxious, scared, or depressed you are not trusting. You are hiding and running away from what is. 

Building trust through the power of meditation is the number one way to feel more in control, balanced, self-aware, and powerful.

Live A More Enlightened Life!

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Elizabeth Hancock CPC, CSC - Spiritual Teacher & Empowerment Coach

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