Personalized Spiritual Roadmaps – A Unique Offering From BYC 🙏

Did you know that everyone is on a spiritual path?

As self-aware beings we are on the path of the evolution of consciousness.

As we go about our lives, learning, growing, self-reflecting, integrating, and maturing, we continue to evolve our state of consciousness. 

In fact, anything that helps us to remain aware of the present moment and conscious of our inner world can be considered a tool for our continuing conscious evolution. 

What Are Spiritual Tools?

Religions, philosophies, and creeds offer different tools to help people get in touch with their true Self. Some tools involve guidelines and recommendations for everyday living, other tools incorporate daily practices, and others clarify complex truths through teachings and ways of seeing the world. 

As everyone is unique and comes from a different upbringing and cultural background, so there are different spiritual paths and tools that different people are attracted to and resonate with. 

Part of my job as a spiritual teacher, mentor and guide is to help my clients gain a better understanding of their beliefs and ways of seeing the world. By understanding what lens or perspective you are experiencing reality through, I can then hand-pick various tools that will work best for your unique outlook. 

For example, some people benefit from integrating the past in order to realign into their present. In this case we work on healing old wounds through integration, compassion and understanding. Without this necessary step many people will not allow themselves to move forward. They remain stuck. 

For other people, it is a matter of deep diving into their subconscious to uncover limiting beliefs that are holding them back. It is a ‘soul retrieval’ of sorts and the discovery of these lost or ignored aspects of their greater self helps to integrate them into the present moment as a fully functioning and consciously aware being. 

Other people have a lot of drive and energy but can’t seem to get out of their own way. For these individuals there is a calling of ‘slowing down’ and getting in touch with one’s body consciousness and higher awareness. Incorporating meditation, self-inquiry, and daily journaling help to facilitate going deep within themselves in order to go beyond. 

There are countless other examples and variations of different ways in which individuals limit themselves from fully experiencing the present moment in a calm, clear, and fully conscious state of mind.

No matter where you are or how stuck you may feel, there is a tool available that can help you along your path.

The tools I offer resonate with your state of self-awareness and receptivity. Not all tools work for everyone. There must be a resonance in energy and a willingness to give the tool a try. 

How Can A Personalized Spiritual Roadmap Help Me?

Over the course of our 3 or 6 month coaching journey together, I work very deeply with your energy to understand which tools will work best for you. You can think of these tools as ‘permission slips’ that open a door for you to rediscover who you really are.  

All teachings, beliefs, practices, philosophies and religions are tools. They were created by the human mind to help advance and expand consciousness. Whatever you are drawn to determines which path you are on and which tools will work best for you. 

As you continue to evolve in consciousness the use for various tools will dissolve. But this is a very advanced state of higher awareness and comes with the realization that all tools can only help point to the truth but isn’t in itself truth.

Like the old zen teaching of pointing to the moon:

The finger pointing to the moon is not the moon.

In other words, the finger is what is guiding you to see the moon. Without the aid of the finger you might have missed it; the pointing finger (the tool) is not what really matters. It is just pointing you to the truth.

The tool can point and show you the way, just as any religion, ritual, teacher, strategy, philosophy or practice can show you the way, but it can never be Truth.

Guided meditations aren’t about creative visualization. It is about helping you to see the nature of your mind, empowering you to be a creative being, and encouraging you to take responsibility for your creations.

Breathing techniques aren’t about breathing. It is about understanding the connection of the breath or life force to your state of consciousness and thereafter consciously choosing how one wishes to experience life.

Journaling isn’t about journaling. It is about helping you connect the dots of your belief systems and the reality and world that you are creating for yourself.

Stilling your mind isn’t about relaxing and being peaceful. A naturally still or meditative mind is about knowing the source of creation; experientially knowing or realizing who and what you really are.

So, what spiritual path are you on? What tools have you used that worked for you? What tools are no longer working?

Contact me for your own Personalized Spiritual Roadmap with tools guaranteed to work uniquely for you!

I look forward to working with you!

With you in wholeness,


Five Non-negotiables – Enhance Your Energy and Expand Consciousness

There are many little things that we do everyday that we wouldn’t dream of skipping, like brushing our teeth, taking a shower, or eating. Though many of us live very different lives, there is a stark difference between surviving and thriving.

Individual’s that choose to live their lives in a manner of consistent growth and development know that creating daily non-negotiable habits are integral to living a life of greater purpose and fulfillment. It must be understood that most things that bring a sense of peace and joy are not found through temporary and immediate gratification, but are often hard won after a certain level of sacrifice has been implemented.

Those that employ daily non-negotiable activities enjoy greater mood regulation and stabilization along with more consistent feelings of overall purpose and value. In other words, if you want to enjoy life to the fullest you need to consciously implement daily strategies in order to maximize conscious growth and expansion.

Here are five basic non-negotiable activities that you can choose to adopt in order to create a healthier overall lifestyle:

1. Sleep – Follow Nature’s Natural Rhythm

They say that for every hour you sleep before midnight, it is like an additional two hours of sleep. Though this may largely be a widespread myth, the fact remains that getting to bed early helps the body’s natural circadian rhythm and sleep cycles to perform at optimum levels. From an energetic perspective, the amount of sleep you need is largely dependent upon the food that you eat, the thoughts and emotions that you have, and the level of overall vibrancy of your energetic system.

Vegetarian diets are easier to digest and put less strain on the body thus requiring less sleep to revitalize the body’s energy levels. Thoughts and emotions also play a large role in the amount of sleep one needs; with habitual worry, anxiety and a negative mind-set resulting in poor sleep stretched over many hours.

Finally, energy vibrancy aka prana or chi energy is cultivated through meditation and energetic practices, which overtime, lowers the amount of sleep the physical body needs to recuperate during the night.

Whether you need five hours of sleep or eight, going to bed early allows one to get up early and there are a great many advantages to getting up prior to sunrise that will get your day started off in a very powerful way.

2. Meditate

Like Hatha Yoga, the West has adopted ‘meditation’ as their own and now happily espouses the virtues of this ancient spiritual practice. It must be said however, that meditation in the traditional sense is quite different from what the Western mind has molded it to be. Meditation is a consequence of a certain state of consciousness and is a result of a purified mind with no thought or ‘object’ as its subject. Meditation is natural and available to anyone but needs to be cultivated over many years of consistent practice.

There are many reasons why one would practice the regular stilling of the mind to a no-thought state, not least of which is the immediate sense of clarity of perception, higher awareness, and emotional regulation and control stemming from the watching of thoughts and executing the choice of whether or not one chooses to respond to a particular thought or simply watch it float on by.


Long time meditators enjoy silence not because they are boring but because in silence we expand our awareness beyond the confines of the small ‘me’ that we perceive ourselves to be. With conscious expansion comes higher awareness of the natural unity of all life and feelings of deep compassion and love for existence.

Breaking the chains of habitual thought and rising above our thought level allows one to consistently be the ‘observer’ instead of always being the exhausted participant. Meditation is the elixir of the soul and building a daily practice is a panacea to many mental/emotional disturbances.

3. Exercise

Incorporating daily exercise should be a no-brainer at this stage of health awareness. Our body needs to move and stretch, heart rates need to be elevated, sweat released, muscles strained and bones stressed. Our bodies are physical machines that need to be oiled and lubricated daily in order for them to be operating at optimum levels.

Whether it is running, swimming, weight training, cycling, yoga or simply floor exercises, the body craves activity while the mind enjoys some time off. Exercise releases tension, stress, and anxiety and releases stuck and stagnant energy. Those that exercise daily enjoy tight firm bodies, radiant skin, bright eyes and a relaxed happy attitude.

There is more than enough data available to confirm that daily exercise is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. Anywhere from 30 – 60 minutes everyday can make a marked difference in one’s overall attitude and emotional well-being.

4. Healthy Eating

Food is fuel for the body and is just as much a chemical process as it is an alchemical process. As everything is energy on the quantum level, so too is the food that we choose to eat. Different foods carry different qualities and energetic vibrations that affect our internal chemistry and vibrancy. Food that is natural and unprocessed offer the highest pranic (energy) value and requires very little energy for our body to break down and assimilate.

Food that is highly processed or dense (meat) takes a very long time to digest and siphons a huge amount of energy to process. From an energy efficiency standpoint, it doesn’t make sense to eat foods that are highly processed as they offer little to no nutritional value.

If one is clear in making health and wellness a priority in their lives, then nutrition and healthy eating should also be a no-brainer. Each meal should have high energy potency that allows the body and brain to function at the highest possible level for long-term well-being.

5.  Contemplation/Reflection/Self-Inquiry – Journaling

The journey of life should be one of continual growth, expansion, and maturity. As children our lives are occupied with learning about the outside world and how we can potentially fit into it.

We spend these early years paying stark attention to social mores and cultural traditions. We seek to fit in and be part of the group whether that is a family unit or one of our choosing. As we continue to grow and mature we evolve past these confines and start to seek a deeper connection to life itself; a more inclusive attitude that incorporates all of humanity, not just our familiar family and friends.

For this to happen we must expand and grow into someone new. Journaling is a very powerful tool to help aid in the continuing evolution of Self and who we aim to create ourselves to be. The awareness that we can ‘choose’ to be someone instead of defaulting into someone is in itself a very powerful revelation.

For those that have come to understand that, “…All the world’s a stage and all the men and women merely players..” (Shakespeare), it is time to consciously choose who we want to become. For this, journaling is an immensely powerful tool of illumination, revelation, and contemplation.

Live Simply 

Life is simple. 

These five basic non-negotiables of everyday life will take you a very long way.

If you are interested in developing a healthy routine into your daily life and would like accountability and support please click the link below to schedule a 30 minute discovery call to see if coaching with me would be the right fit for you. (click here for ‘How a Spiritual Coach works with your energy‘)

I look forward to speaking with you!



Energy Dollars = Energy Efficiency

Imagine if you woke up every morning with $100 energy ‘dollars’ to spend every day. Knowing you had just $100 dollars to spend, what activities would you consciously choose to spend it on?

Building your new business?

Running five miles?

Caring for your children?

Cooking a healthy wholesome meal?

Reading a self-help book?

Learning a new skill?

Helping another person in need?

Or how about ruminating over a past transgression, scaring yourself through future ‘what-if’ scenarios, not feeling good enough and punishing yourself by habitually thinking sad, depressing, and/or anxious thoughts?

Did you know that every single thought, emotion, and feeling state that you experience has a very tangible and real energetic cost?

We are energy. Our vehicle of conscious in this life is the body/mind; that’s right, not two separate things but in fact one whole. Whatever thoughts circulate through our mind is immediately experienced in our body and we can always tune into our bodies to check what mental/emotional state we happen to put ourselves in.

The body always follows the mind. You can do a simple experiment to prove this. Think of a lemon, slice it, squeeze it and imagine drinking the juice. Did you just start to salivate? Reality is as you create it.

Our energy is our responsibility.

Frivolous Energy Expenditure

Knowing that our minds are potent creation tools, we must be more vigilant in how and where we choose to spend our energy dollars. For example, any information that we take in through our five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch takes energy to process. Though the vast majority of this goes unnoticed and is stored subconsciously, we are taking in innumerable points of data every moment we exist.

The external environment plays a huge role on human consciousness along with mental and physical health. The average person offers their body/mind aka spends their energy dollars, on extremely damaging energetic vibrations that come in many forms including: negative news, vacuous social media updates, pointless celebrity rumors, low vibratory music, shallow gossip, depressing people and gloomy living environments.

Our energy system is responsive to every thought we think. Consistent negative thoughts and energy expenditure results not only in mental illness but also physical symptoms such as agitation, stress, shallow breathing, high blood pressure, inflammation, low functioning organs, and eventual toxicity buildup. The connection between negative/low vibratory thoughts and external stimuli with physical disease and mental illness is clear.

Slowing Down The Amount Of Thoughts & Increasing Energy Dollars

Decreasing the amount of thoughts and emotional reactions we have throughout the day will have a direct impact on the amount of energy we retain, not to mention the added benefit of feeling at ease both mentally and physically. So, how do we slow down the amount of thoughts we have? 


Through the practice of daily meditation methods, we slowly rewire our brain to be able to access and maintain this quiet state of high awareness for longer and longer periods. Through daily practice we become meditative, slowly taking over control of the tool we call ‘mind’ rather than having the mind control us.


Having a regular meditation practice allows us to slow the body/mind to an energetic state of high vibrancy with no thought. It is a peaceful and joyful state of consciousness that one can not do, but rather joyfully surrender into. With regular practice we slowly cultivate this higher state of consciousness and expand our capacity to hold more energy.

Individuals that meditate regularly are known to be calm, controlled, and at peace. They are not jumpy and react to every little jarring piece of external stimuli because they are in total control of their body/mind. They can see with clarity what is happening and consciously choose a higher more conducive way to respond. Overtime, this meditative quality becomes our everyday state of being; our normal state of consciousness.

As you may imagine, living with total awareness takes a tremendous amount of conscious energy. To be able to sense your environment effortlessly, know the appropriate way to respond, and not take on any negative energy takes a high degree of self-mastery. Those individuals who live in this high vibrational state choose their state of mind and emotional response. Life isn’t happening to them but rather IN THEM. Individual’s with this level of presence choose to interact in a peaceful and loving manner with detachment to outcome and freedom from expectations.

This is the highest way to experience life.


Instead of frivolously spending our energy dollars through unconscious habitual activity we now become energy ‘rich’ and are choosing who and what we wish to experience in our lives. We are the masters and have direct control of our conscious reality. 

Thriving Instead of Surviving

Increasing your available energy and keeping it at a high vibration is of utmost importance. We stay high to not only experience life in a more purified and blissful state of consciousness but we also keep ourselves energy rich to assist the conscious growth of others and prepare ourselves for our own awakening and self-realization. Any form of self development practice is meant to increase the vibration of the human energy system and expand our level of consciousness.

It is time that we learn how to live a life full of joy and love by learning how to use the body/mind to explore creation as it was meant to be experienced. If you are tired of spending your energy dollars frivolously and want to make some lifestyle changes, a Spiritual Life Coach can help create more awareness to live a more balanced and empowered life.

Spiritual mentorship and life coaching sessions include self-inquiry, guided meditations, lifestyle design, goal setting and homework to help steer you in the right direction and rediscover your innate talents, gifts and personal power. If you are interested in gaining control of your body/mind and want to learn how to plug into source daily while keeping yourself accountable, please contact me, I would love to work with you!

Please click the button below to schedule your free discovery call now!

How To Change Your Reality by Maturing, Expanding and Growing


Change occurs consciously or unconsciously. The level of self-awareness you have largely determines if life is perceived to be happening to you or life is happening in you. Though change happens constantly, most people are unaware of how they are contributing to their current life circumstances. It is only when we reach a point in our journey where we feel stuck, frustrated, confused, or scared that we take the time to ask, “How did I end up here?”

Though it appears that life ‘just happened’, the truth is that we are exactly where we created ourselves to be. Life can operate by no other principle. 

We all have our limits. When we reach a level of frustration that is too painful to bear, we find ourselves ready to make conscious changes in our life. This requires immense courage and total honesty. When an individual is honest enough to ask themselves how they arrived at their current circumstances two things occur: 1) they take responsibility for their current life situation and 2) they open themselves to receiving the answer and a solution to their problem.

Our Inner Programs

As mentioned in my previous post of Dare To Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs, the mind is the creator of your reality and the programs that you have downloaded are called beliefs. When we accept a belief as true this colors our perception in every interaction we have. Thus, it can be said that most people live their lives through unconscious self-fulfilling prophecies of their own making.

When you go through life unconsciously you allow these programs to run in the background filtering every experience you have with previous data from a past encounter. Thus in effect, you are living the same experiences over and over again. These universal difficulties may include: finding a romantic partner, the continuing struggle for financial freedom, chronic physical ailments and diseases, cycles of frustration and depression, working at a lifeless job, not having a sense of passion or zest for life, confusion as to who or what you are really are, etc. These repeated patterns are seeking your attention.

No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” – Albert Einstein

When we sincerely take the time to ask ourselves how we ended up in a given situation we open ourselves up to receiving new information. This new information comes in the form of advice, coincidental encounters with people, seeing a book or movie pop up over and over again with a certain topic or theme, being asked to stretch ourselves at work, seeing someone that needs your help with a similar issue, being called to travel to a new place, a stranger offering their help at the perfect time and place, etc. These are the ways in which the universe speaks to us and answers our questions in a way that we can pay attention to. When we open ourselves to receiving new data and information to integrate within ourselves, we change.

The Power of Imagination and Visualization in Reality Formation 

Change does not happen overnight. The process of reality formation first begins with a new inkling that things may be different from what we’ve previously known to be true. In the beginning change is extremely subtle and starts with a new belief or program that has entered into our minds. Often times this new belief circulates as a new thought and builds in a momentum of intensity over a period of time. As we play with this new belief (ex: I deserve – to be listened to, to feel safe, to be loved, to have a job I love, to be healthy, to be happy) we start to visualize specific scenarios in which we embody this new belief. This is called day dreaming and imagination.

We may visualize meeting someone exciting and new, finding that perfect job, speaking to a large auditorium of people on a subject we are passionate about, feeling physically pain free and revitalized, having enough energy to play with the kids and pets, going running, painting, cleaning the house, getting paid what you are worth, etc. All this imaginary work is vital to establishing a new paradigm of reality. Being able to actively visualize a new future-self living your dream life brings the courage and necessary energy to build this new reality into physical manifestation. Repeated imagination of a given thought, scenario, encounter, or experience will eventually bring it into your current life.

“The amount of time it takes for something to manifest is different for everyone and is largely dependent on how focused your mind is and how much energy you have at your disposal.” – Liz Hancock

This is how change occurs in everyone. It is a subtle process that largely goes without notice, yet it is operating in consciousness constantly. When we decide to work with a Spiritual Life Coach, we take this process into our own hands and accelerate it. A Coach is an expert in asking provocative questions that challenge your current mindset and belief systems. A Coach provides insight into your current life circumstance and offers new ways to think, act and behave which sets a client off towards living a more satisfied and fulfilled life that is in line with their personal aspirations and dreams.

To be conscious or unconscious, that is the question! The process of questioning our reality and beliefs is an ongoing progressive process that occurs throughout our lives. This is how life is meant to be lived; constantly maturing, expanding, and growing into ever newer, better versions of ourselves. 

Are you done with feeling stuck and ready for change? If so, I’d love to work with you! Please click the button below and let’s set up a call to get started on consciously creating your life! 

Spiritual Life Coach Near Me

Are you looking for a Spiritual Life Coach? My name is Elizabeth Hancock and I’m a Spiritual Coach and Meditation Teacher.

I offer services worldwide via phone and Google Meet. If you want to learn more about who I am, what I offer, and how you can work with me, please read on:  

How A Spiritual Life and Meditation Coach Quickens Transformation

A Spiritual Life coach specializes in working with individuals that are interested in deepening their connection to their inner Self while pursuing creative ways in which to enrich their lives with spiritual/intuitive processes.

I work with individual’s to help connect the dots; allowing them to see the bigger picture from a heightened perspective. The past is the past and cannot be changed, but we can change the way we see things and reframe our perspective to one of empowerment and self-mastery. 

Who Are Your Typical Clients?

I work with anyone that is ready to uncover their hidden limitations to discover a newly empowered Self.

My coaching serves people who:

  • Feel stuck, confused, and unsure of your true purpose
  • Have difficulty communicating with confidence
  • Have a strong need and/or calling to explore their inner Self and discover who they truly are
  • Suffer chronic illness or repeated relationship, health, or job problems
  • Feel uninspired in a job/career that no longer serves them
  • Lead a busy, stressful lifestyle and would like to re-prioritize their time, energy, and attention
  • Take on feelings of victimhood, despair, self-criticism, fear and self-doubt
  • Are spiritual seekers in need of clarity, guidance, and mentorship
  • Are beginner, intermediate, or advanced meditators in need of refinement, deep spiritual inquiry, and ego dissolution

My work with clients is highly intuitive; with each client presenting different areas to focus on, resulting in different methods, tools, and energetic practices that are offered. Different people need different approaches depending on their belief systems and perspectives. 

What Is Your Process?

All clients schedule a discovery call to review their current life situation, needs, desires, and aspirations. We discuss what you’ve tried and what your looking to become. In this call we set the tone for our engagement together and confirm that our vision is aligned to bring out the best of what it is you want to achieve working together. I offer both a 3 month and 6 month 1:1 coaching package.

After the initial discovery call we then take a deep dive into your current life view and perspective. All client’s have 100% control of their coaching development and understand that they set the pace for how fast or slow their transformation occurs. The more engaged and committed a client is, the more they get out of their Spiritual Life coaching.

Every six weeks I issue a review and feedback form for all clients to allow for reflection and reassess goals. Many client’s experience profound shifts and find it helfpul to take inventory on where they started and where they are now.

Working With Your Energy

As a yogini, mystic, and energy practioner, I also work with clients energetically. Before all of our sessions I meditate to gain a clearer sense of what you need and how to offer you the best guidance. My work is intuitive. As everyone is different, people will present with different needs and challenges. It is my job as a spiritual teacher and mentor to know what you need, when you need it, and how to present this to you in a way that will have you be receptive and willing to make the changes necessary for your spiritual journey and transformation. By tuning into your energy before sessions I personalize spiritual roadmaps that help you navigate your journey in the best way for you.

Guided meditations are also part of sessions where both the client and I agree that going within will very often get you beyond your current predicament. Do not underestimate the power of guided meditations and energy work. This subtle dimension often elicits the most profound energetic and perspective shifts in clients; you do not have to be exceptionally spiritual to derive the benefits of a guided meditation. All that is required is a willingness to let go of what no longer serves you and an eagerness to receive that which wants to be heard.

I also regularly tune into your energy throughout the week to help stabilize and balance you while also transmitting love and higher vibrations. Love is a very powerful healer. Love can clear away any negative influences and help you stay on track. 

Guided meditations during sessions often inspires clients to create their own personal daily practice. For those that are so inclined, I help you to create a personalized spiritual meditation program and morning ritual which helps to stabilize, balance, and ground your energy. 

Face to Face via Google Meet or Traditional Phone Coaching? 

My focus is on cultivating greater self-awareness. In most cases, phone coaching is preferred as the focus is on the spiritual intent and not based on the personality. The more comfortable and relaxed one is, the better engagement and faster the transformation.

For those that still feel more comfortable having face-to-face sessions, I do offer Google Meet calls. When it is time to meditate we both turn off our cameras so that you can relax in the present moment just listening to my voice as I guide you. When the meditation is over, we both turn our cameras back on to discuss.

My client’s are not limited to my local California area. I work with people all over the world.

Who Are You?

For as long as I can remember I’ve always been one to question reality, to seek to understand why, and experientially know instead of simply believing.

I am a rebel, an artist, a free-thinker, and a long time meditator. I seek truth.

I live fully because I know that life is a miraculous gift. You can read more about me on my About page.

How To Get Started Working With Me

Spiritual mentorship and coaching dissovles pain and suffering through shining the light of your awareness. Through awareness you take responsibity. Through responsbility you learn to accept your power and consciosuly create a life full of joy. Coaching helps to streamline your journey, gather immense insight, and enjoy profound realizations in a very short but intense amount of time. 

If you feel you are ready to make this commitment to yourself then please schedule a spiritual consultation with me via the button below. I look forward to meeting you!

Live A More Enlightened Life!

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Elizabeth Hancock CPC, CSC - Spiritual Teacher & Empowerment Coach

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