I always found it interesting that solitary confinement is used as a punishment in some prison systems yet self-imposed solitary confinement and silence is regularly used as spiritual sadhana (practices).

What can be seen as torture for one individual can be a means of enlightenment for another. 

This thought reminds me of a documentary I came upon just over a year ago describing the life story of a death row inmate that was wrongly accused of murder. In his book and later movie, “The Fear of 13“, Nick Yarris describes in heart wrenching detail the poor life choices he made and their subsequent consequences. His story is one of unimaginable suffering, yet there is something about his extraordinary tenacity and careful words that strikes a powerful and lasting effect with the listener. 

In one of the last scenes he describes how he was elated to discover that he had finally proved his innocence through DNA exoneration. His 20+ years on death row had finally come to an end. But just as this news broke he found himself being unceremoniously ripped from his standard cell with keepsakes, toiletries, books and art and thrown into a tiny windowless compartment with nothing but the clothes on his back. Why? Although not his first time in solitary confinement, this occasion was particularly cruel as the prison guards had only one reason for shifting cells; one last kick while he was down.  

Sitting in his cell he could have easily manifested any understandable emotion: anger, spite, hate, envy, jealousy, bitterness. Yet instead he did something truly miraculous. He calmly sat down in his cross-legged yoga posture and then proceeded to close his eyes. 

He narrated, “…they left me with nothing, so I decided to give myself everything.” 

He then went on to describe how he finally allowed himself to envision his new life once he got out of the prison system, what he’d wear, who he’d be with, where he’d go, what love he’d meet and what love he’d give.

He now spends his days advocating love and kindness to a world that desperately needs it.

Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” – Victor Frankl

In a similar vein, when Dan Rather asked Nelson Mandela in a 1990 interview, “What was the worst thing that happened to you when you were in prison?” Nelson didn’t hesitate to respond, “It is easy to forget the past, and I cannot answer your question because I frankly do not remember.”

Of course we are all very familiar with Nelson Mandela’s powerful legacy of peace, justice and most of all forgiveness.

And finally a more recent example of the power of the human spirit can be showcased in the newly discovered musical compositions that prisoners in Nazi concentration camps wrote and smuggled out through laundry and other desperate means. Some composed their symphonies on toilet paper written with charcoal given to them as dysentary medicine.

“When you lost freedom…toilet paper and coal can be freedom.” – Francesco Lotoro

The definition of freedom states, “the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint” but this is the dictionary, a book filled with words that were defined by humans and in this specific case, a word that has evolved beyond its previous contextual meaning.

True freedom has nothing to do with exerting yourself onto others simply because you can. Freedom is something far more powerful – it is the perseverance of the human spirit, to consciously choose your attitude in any given experience; to respond in full awareness and take 100% responsibility.

Freedom is living in a high vibrancy state with hearts open to give and receive without limit, minds that are free to perceive reality as it is with clarity, and boundless awareness of our connection to all life in all its myriad of forms.

This is true freedom.

If you are inspired by these stories of true human freedom and would like to make some lifestyle changes, a Spiritual Life Coach can help create more awareness to live a more balanced and empowered life. Spiritual mentorship and life coaching sessions include self-inquiry, guided meditations, lifestyle design, goal setting and homework to help steer you in the right direction and rediscover your innate talents, gifts and personal power.

We all deserve to live our lives as an expression of true freedom and joy. If you are interested in taking back control of your life while keeping yourself accountable, please contact me, I would love to work with you!

Please click the button below to schedule your free discovery call now!

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Elizabeth Hancock CPC, CSC - Spiritual Teacher & Empowerment Coach

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